Thursday, November 20, 2014

Read my blog. You'll learn things.

My name is Alexander Krutt and I'm an undergrad at the University of New Haven, in Connecticut. I'm an English major hoping to enter the wide and bountiful world of science writing (everyone's favorite things right?) I'm starting this blog in order to get a taste and hopefully develop my skills in writing on scientific subjects. Pretty much all areas of science are incredibly fascinating to me but my skills naturally lend themselves more toward writing and journalism.

I've often been told that I have a natural ability to explain complex ideas in a way that many people can understand and I hope to put that talent to good use. Anybody interested in learning more about what the future has to offer in regards to science and technology should read this blog. Primarily I'll be posting about new advances and discoveries in science and technology that I think deserve more coverage. This most often will include things that I think will have the largest impact on human society such as advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, cosmological and astrophysical discoveries, space exploration tech, environmental discoveries and many other things along those lines.

I absolutely encourage that you leave feedback for me in any form you like. You can comment on the posts here on blogger or feel free to email me at

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